Are bacterial vaginosis and hives related?

Millions of women annually will have to deal with bacterial vaginosis. This is an issue that causes bacterial overgrowths in the vagina, and can lead to a variety of frustrating symptoms. While many will be able to reverse this with at home care, some may need to see a doctor to get a prescription. Understanding the root cause and what to look for as far as symptoms are concerned can help with the bigger picture that is related with vaginosis. There may even be a link to hives, which is another issue that can manifest in this regard.

What Exactly Is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Vaginosis is a problem that women of childbearing age, and reaching menopausal age can occur. There are several issues that raise the risk of this issue. This includes unprotected sex, douching, and hormonal changes that can occur through various points in the aging process. Bacterial infections in the vagina can lead to inflammation of the dermal tissue inside the vagina. While the issue is within the vagina, the symptoms can manifest beyond that, and cause a serious issue down the line.

The symptoms associated with this do not come through at first glance. In fact, many women will not have any issues come through at first, which makes this a difficult thing to deal with. There are some solitary symptoms that may come through, or several at once, but it may take some time. The main issues to look forward to includes itching, redness, pain during sex, foul odor, discharge, and abnormal bleeding. These all could appear solitary, or they can appear together, and can be indicative of a problem that has lasted for some time.

Hives and Bacterial Vaginosis

Hives can result from a bacterial infection, and it can be chronic. More often than not the outbreaks occur across the body, and while it may linger, it can be triggered by bacterial overgrowths in the vagina. That means that vaginosis can trigger hives to occur, and it could linger. It is something that is painful, but treatable overall. It’s a medical condition that can be reversed, and help with reducing pain, infection, and more. The two are not related necessarily, but they are connected in that a bacterial infection could cause an issue.

Treatments For Vaginosis

There are several treatments that can be taken for vaginosis. If you go to the doctor, you will be given a prescription medication. There are gels, creams, and oral medication that you can utilize. This will take a few days to help fix the problem. It may also be coupled with antibiotics to help heal the issue. Even with these prescription medications, there may be a recurrence within 12 months.

Aside from these treatments, at home solutions can be used. Eating yogurt, for instance, can add probiotics that will help reverse the pH levels. You can also move forward topical solutions, as well a probiotic that can be taken on a daily basis. Vaginosis is treatable, as are hives, and can be assisted with a prescription if need be.