Are the bacterial vaginosis discharges symptoms of human papillomavirus infection (HPV)

Millions of women today will have issues related to bacterial vaginosis, and that can come with some symptoms that are hard to determine at first. Others will have to deal with human papillomavirus infection, which can have similar symptoms. Are the two related? Can bacterial vaginosis cause HPV? These are questions that people will want to figure out at first glance, since they can both be issues that are difficult to manage without a helping hand. With that in mind, consider a few notes regarding each solution and what can be done to assist with healing it, moving forward. There are some notes and similarities that you should know about each one.

What Is Vaginosis?

Bacterial Vaginosis in an inflammation of the vagina that is caused by bacterial overgrowth. When the growth changes the pH levels of the vagina, issues can occur. Most people will not see any symptoms at first glance. In fact, millions do not see any symptoms for some time. However, when symptoms present themselves, it can be a bit severe. For instance, there are some individuals that will see discharge from the vagina, odor, redness, itching, and pain during sex.

This issue is caused by unprotected sex, too much douching, and hormonal shifts. Lifestyle changes can help with this, including using cotton underwear, and cleanliness as well. However, if the malady is bad, a professional may need to prescribe an antibiotic to help with the healing.

What Is Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV)?

HPV is a sexually transmitted illness that can infect men and women. Many people mistake the symptoms of this issue for vaginosis, but it’s not the case. While the two may have a bacterial element to them, they are different, and the symptoms are not the same. In fact, the symptoms associated with HPV infections can appear on the skin of the genitals, and around the pubic region. The main issues include warts, lesions, itchiness, and redness. These do not go away on their own, and can cause a lot of discomfort and pain. HPV is sexually transmitted as well, and can infect men and women. Bacterial vaginosis discharge, is not the same as HPV infection, and those that have one may not have the other, although it’s easy to panic and mistake the two.

What To Do If You Have An Infection?

Overall, you should see a doctor. If you believe that you have HPV, and you’ve had sex recently, then they can help with removal of warts, lesions, and other issues that you may have. They can also recommend an antibiotic routine that will help with the spread and recurring issues. If you have vaginosis, they can determine whether it’s due to an STI or it’s due to something else. In most instances, you’ll find that the issue is not difficult to manage at all.

People that have either issue can get a helping hand, removing the problem and ensuring that recurrences are rare. They are not the same, and the symptoms do not manifest in the same way, although some may confuse the two.