Bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy complications discussion guide

Millions of women will experience unpleasant issues with their vagina. One of the common issues that many will face off against is that of bacterial vaginosis. This is something that can present itself with no symptoms at first, but in time, things can get roughly worse. It’s something that can be treated, and even prevented in some instances. However, with no symptoms coming up immediately, a discussion may be tough. Even when symptoms do manifest, some women may be a bit timid or anxious about having to see a doctor as this could be mistaken for a sexually transmitted disease, or worse. It’s important to see a doctor and have a frank discussion about the complications and issues that come with bacterial vaginosis, and how it can relate to pregnancy as well.

The Symptoms Associated With Bacterial Vaginosis

The first thing that should be understood is that this is an issue of bacterial imbalance. This occurs when bacterial overgrowth occurs in the vagina, and causes a variety of issues. The main symptoms associated with this may not start immediately, but it will eventually come through. The eventual symptoms that individuals will see often include redness, itching, discharge, and even pain. In some rare instances, for those that are reaching or have past menopause, bleeding may occur as a result. Either way, this is something that requires treatment, and should not be left without a doctor’s opinion if things get severe.

Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy Complications

The pH balance of the vagina may shift during pregnancy. It’s important that women are made aware of complications that may occur with pregnancy, including vaginosis, which can cause compilations. Having this discussion can be a tough thing to do, but it is very important.

Bacterial overgrowths of this type while pregnant can lead to low-birth weight. It can also cause premature rupture, and even an infection of the uterine lining. There’s a connection between vaginosis and miscarriage as well.

These things are not easy to discuss, and are tough to ask about. Women should ask doctors if they are at risk of vaginosis, and if there are any specific things that they can do to help with the issue overall. A slight diet change can help, but medications may be needed for those that deal with these on a regular basis.

Seeing A Doctor Is Important

Pregnant women, and those that are looking to get pregnant soon should not avoid having frank conversations with their doctors. Bacterial vaginosis is treatable, and it’s best to find out whether this is an issue, early on. As soon as one can suspect that there’s an issue, a doctor should be spoken to. If you or someone you know is pregnant, or is going to be pregnant, consider asking about vaginosis, uterine problems, birth weight issues, premature rupture, and miscarriage risks. These are important to discuss, and should not be feared. A doctor will help you make sense of these things and will also provide information on how to avoid vaginosis, and what to do if it’s suspected.