Can bacterial vaginosis cause menstrual cramps after period and after sex

Can bacterial vaginosis cause menstrual cramps after period and after sex? No link is established between bacterial vaginosis and menstrual cramps. Thus, bacterial vaginosis cannot lead to menstrual cramps after sexual intercourse and after menstrual periods.

Bacterial vaginosis is one of several types of vaginal inflammation due to the overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina, upsetting the natural balance. While the condition can afflict women at any age, women in their reproductive age are more likely to be affected.

While the cause of bacterial vaginosis is not understood completely, certain activities like frequent douching or unprotected sex may raise the woman’s risk of developing it.

Some of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include:

  • Vaginal itching,
  • ‘Fishy’ and foul-smelling vaginal odor,
  • Burning sensation during urination, and/or
  • White, thin, green, or gray vaginal discharge.

Bacterial vaginosis stems from overgrowth of bacteria found naturally in the woman’s vagina. Normally, lactobacilli (‘good’ bacteria) outnumber anaerobes (‘bad’ bacteria). However, if anaerobic bacteria dominate, they upset microorganisms’ natural balance in the vagina, and lead to bacterial vaginosis.

Some bacterial vaginosis risk factors include:

  • Douching. The habit of rinsing out the vagina through douching (using a cleansing agent or water) upsets the vagina’s natural balance. Douching is not needed as the vagina is self-cleaning.
  • Lack of Lactobacilli. If the vaginal environment does not naturally produce sufficient lactobacilli, the woman may likely develop bacterial vaginosis.
  • Having a new sex partner or multiple partners. Medical professionals do not understand fully the connection between bacterial vaginosis and sexual activity. However, the condition occurs more frequently with women having a new partner or multiple partners. The condition also more frequently occurs in women having women as sexual partners.
    Normally, bacterial vaginosis doesn’t lead to complications. However, bacterial vaginosis may lead to:
  • Premature Birth. Bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women is related to low birth weight babies and premature deliveries.
  • Gynecologic Surgery Infection Risk. Bacterial vaginosis can increase the chances of having post-surgical infections after surgeries like D&C (dilation and curettage) or hysterectomy.
  • PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). PID is a fallopian tube and uterine infection that can raise the risk of infertility.
  • Sexually-Transmitted Infections. Bacterial vaginosis can make women more likely to contract STDs like herpes simplex virus, HIV, gonorrhea, or chlamydia. If a woman has HIV and bacterial vaginosis, she can increase the chances of passing the virus to the partner.

Some medicines to treat bacterial vaginosis can include Tinidazole (Tindamax), Clindamycin (Clindesse, Cleocin), and Metronidazole (Metrogel-Vaginal, Flagyl), among others. It’s not required for a male sexual partner to receive treatment, but a female sexual partner may need it if she gets bacterial vaginosis from her partner.

Pregnant women must especially receive treatment to decrease the risk of low birth weight or premature delivery. Despite treatment, bacterial vaginosis may recur within 3-12 months.

There’s also a self-help approach, which is lactobacillus colonization. This is accomplished by eating certain yogurt types or consuming food with lactobacilli. While probiotic therapy is backed by scientific research, more is needed on the subject.

Can bacterial vaginosis cause menstrual cramps after period and after sex? Abdominal discomfort is not a symptom of the condition. Moreover, bacterial vaginosis doesn’t always lead to complications. Thus, bacterial vaginosis is not responsible for menstrual cramps after sex and after a woman’s period.