Do antibiotics causes bacterial vaginosis? Which types cause recurring BV?

There are several different issues that women face in terms of their overall health. One of the issues that millions of women will have to deal with is that of bacterial vaginosis. This is due to bacterial overgrowth in the vagina. The bacteria in the vagina is usually stable, and relatively easy to manage, but when there is disruption, vaginosis may occur. That means that there is an overabundance of bacteria, shifting the pH balance of the vagina. There are several causes that may cause this, and there are 4 different types of vaginosis. In some aspects, antibiotics can be blamed for this issue, but before you throw out the notion of using them, it’s important to understand this issue on a different level.

What Are The Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis?

Before going too far into the antibiotics that can cause this issue, or the medications that doctors prescribe most often, consider what this is. This is a problem with the vagina. It can occur to women of childbearing age, or those that have just gone through menopause. When there’s a disruption in the pH levels, you’ll find that this issue becomes prominent. The bacteria can cause a few symptoms to come through.

Some of the most common issues that are present with bacterial vaginosis include odor, discharge from the vagina, itching, redness, spotting blood for those that may be pregnant or passed through menopause recently, and pain. Some individuals may have this issue, but no symptoms. That makes this a little difficult to manage, since symptoms aren’t always showcased.

Antibiotics Causing Vaginosis

Some antibiotics can cause this issue because the medications that are given to women can mess up the hormonal balance of the vagina. Antibiotics help stave off infection, but they also kill certain bacteria in the body. When that bacteria is killed, you may feel better. But there are some issues associated with this that present complicated. Since a woman’s body needs both good and bad bacteria, killing both causes an overgrowth of bad, which is why some women get bacterial vaginosis.

What Antibiotics Are Prescribed most Often?

The most common prescribed solutions for this issue includes metronidazole, and clindamycin. These two solutions can be administered topically, and through a capsule orally. These options can help get rid of the issue up front, but it could also lead to removing the balance of pH levels in the vagina. Because of this, it’s important to consider the treatment option that a doctor gives with care.

A doctor will prescribe antibiotics and a specific amount of time to take them. Women have to take the full dosage that is recommended in the allotted time. Otherwise, they will not receive the benefits that are garnered from the medication. Stopping early, or not following the exact letter of the required solution could lead to the issue coming back. If there’s a recurrence of bacterial vaginosis, it’s important to tell a doctor and get a secondary treatment method. Getting a helping hand with this is a good way to ensure that you’re able to move forward with the right medications.