Do bacterial vaginosis cause bumps, burnings, itching, sores, and rash?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a type of vaginal infection that causes a discharge. This condition is common among women ages 15 and above. BV is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) yet this condition shares some similar signs with some STIs. BV occurs when there is an imbalance of bacteria and pH in your vagina.

If you have this infection, you’ll experience vaginal itching and there will be a presence of a white or gray-colored, watery discharge. A vaginal odor that has a strong, “fishy” smell will also be evident. Sometimes, those with BV also experience a burning sensation when they are urinating.

Rashes or bumps are not common signs of Bacterical vaginosis. Burnings, sores, and rashes are often linked with Herpes but it is still recommended to visit your doctor to check if you have other diseases that are not yet diagnosed. Vaginal discharge, on the other hand, is also associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia.

As for symptoms like bumps and extreme pain during bowel movements, they are usually associated with anal fissures. Anal fissure is a tear in the anus or anal canal. One common cause of this condition is excessive straining while passing stool.

Any woman can get BV, sexually active or not, but there are activities that can increase the risk of getting infected. Having multiple partners can increase the chances of women getting it. Smoking is another activity that is believed that can trigger BV. If you smoke or have some vices, it is recommended to quit smoking weed or cigarettes.

Douching or the use of water or other fluids to wash your vagina is also a risk factor. It is also not advised to use perfumed soaps or bath gels because they can alter the balance of your vaginal flora. When washing your underwear, use unscented laundry detergents instead.

Like anal fissures, BV is not dangerous or fatal, but having this vaginal infection can also increase your risk of acquiring pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection that affects the female reproductive organs. When you have BV, it is also not advised to use or insert an intrauterine device (IUD) in your uterus because it can also cause PID.

BV clears by itself even without medication but for this kind of condition, it has a high possibility of recurrence even with treatment. If you want to take medications, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for BV and are often taken in tablet or capsule form. There are also forms, like gels and creams, that you can apply in the affected area. The dosage will depend on what your doctor orders, hence, it is not advisable to self-medicate. Consult your doctor immediately if you develop the symptoms to ensure proper diagnosis.

Lifestyle is also an important factor in the prevention and control of Bacterial vaginosis. Though there is no way to prevent this infection from occurring, but with proper diet, practicing good hygiene, and using good quality and clean toiletries, the risks are reduced.