What are the ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes (International Classification of Diseases) for bacterial vaginosis?

Generally, diseases are classified internationally using codes. Initially, before the 30th of September 2015, the ICD-9 codes were used for classification. However, after the 1st of October 2015 ICD-10 codes of classification were adopted. I know you might now be wondering what codes are given to bacterial vaginosis based on ICD-9 codes along with ICD-10 codes. Let me provide the answers to you.

Based on the ICD-9 code of classification, bacterial vaginosis is allocated the code ICD-9-CM 616.10, which represents a billable code in medicine that may be applied when indicating a diagnosis for a claim of reimbursement. The code 616.10 however, should only be applied to claims that have a service date of before the 30th of September 2015. Due to the coding classification system of ICD-9, the disease is also given synonym names. The synonym names are; acute vaginitis, acute vulvitis, chronic vaginitis, chronic vulvitis, desquamative-inflammatory-vaginitis, erosive vulvitis, gardenerella infection, gardenerella vaginilis, gardenerella vaginitis, subacute vaginitis, inflation-of-vagina, vaginal cuff cellulitis, vaginitis, vulvitis, inflammation-of-vulva, vulvovaginitis, and inflammation-of-vulva-and-vagina.

However, the code 616.10 does not include non-infective leucorrhea and postmenopausal along with senile vaginitis. For a physician to appropriately identify organisms using ICD-9-CM 616.10, additional codes are used. For instance, for the organism, Escherichia coli additional codes of (041.41-041.49) are used. For the organism Staphylococcus, the additional codes (041.41-041.49) are used, while for Streptococcus the additional codes (041.41-041.49) are used. In addition, other back-references of 616.10 are allocated to different index entries.

Based on the ICD-10 code of classification, bacterial vaginosis is allocated the code N76.0, which represents a billable code that may be applied in indicating a diagnosis of reimbursement. The coding rules of ICD-10-CM dictate that the code N76.0 should be applied on female patients. In addition, the code N76.0 is also grouped in groups related to diagnosis.

The groups include; 742, which refers to uterine procedures along with adnexa procedures relating to non-malignancy having cc/mcc. The second group is 743, which refers to uterine procedures along with adnexa procedures relating to non-malignancy when cc/mcc is not present. The third group is 757, which refer to infections of the female system of reproduction with mcc. The fourth group is 758, which refers to infections of the female system of reproduction with cc. The fifth group is 759, which refer to infections of the female system of reproduction without either cc or mcc.

Classification using ICD-10-CM N76.0 gives synonyms to bacterial vaginosis. Among the synonyms are bacterial-vaginitis-in-pregnancy, bacterial-vaginosis-in-pregnancy, bacterial-vaginosis-postpartum, desquamative-inflammatory-vaginitis, postpartum-bacterial-vaginitis, postpartum-bacteria-vaginosis, postpartum-bacterial-vaginosis, vaginitis, vaginitis-in-pregnancy, vulvovaginitis, and inflammation-of-vulva-and-vagina.

ICD-10-CM N76.0 also gives clinical information. First, according to ICD-10, N76.0 is any disorder that is characteristic of a process of infection that involves the vagina. Secondly, N76.0 is a process of infection that affects the vagina with symptoms of purulent discharge along with pain. Thirdly, N76.0 is an inflammation occurring in the vulva along with the vagina, accompanied by discharge, a burning feeling, along with pruritus. Therefore, the code N76.0 can be applied to acute vulvovaginitis, vaginitis NOS, and Vulvovaginitis NOS.