What is the diagnosis for bacterial vaginosis?

You might have been wondering how bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed. Your physician will ask you questions regarding your medical history. Among the questions that your physician may ask is if you have had any vaginal infections in the past, or if you have been affected by any infections in the past, which were sexually transmitted.

Thereafter, for your physician to be certain if you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis, he or she will request to conduct a pelvic examination on you. A pelvic examination will enable your physician to visually check your vagina, to identify any signs relating to an infection. The process of a pelvic examination will involve your physician inserting two of his or her fingers inside your vagina. While inserting the fingers, your physician will also be simultaneously pressing your abdomen using his or her other hand as a way of checking your pelvic organs to identify any signs that you are suffering from the disease

The third step will involve your physician taking samples from your vaginal secretions. Generally, taking of samples is necessary to check for anaerobic bacteria overgrowth inside the flora of your vagina. Your physician will examine the samples he or she has taken from your vaginal secretions using a microscope. With the help of a microscope, your physician will be able to identify clue cells, which refer to cells of the vagina containing bacteria that designate you are suffering from the condition.

After your physician is satisfied with the results from examining samples taken, then he or she will look for the certainty of his or her results by testing the pH of your vagina. Your physician will test the level of acidity in your vagina by placing a strip of pH test inside your vagina. If the test gives a pH level of 4.5 or a level higher than 4.5 then your physician will be certain you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis.
It’s a condition that occurs when?

Having all the information on how the condition is diagnosed you might now be asking yourself what causes the disease. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the bacterial flora, which is naturally found inside the vagina, experiences an imbalance. Normally, the vagina is expected to have a bacterium known as lactobacilli. The role of lactobacilli is to generate lactic acid, which makes the vagina a little acidic, preventing the growth of other bacteria. Therefore, when the vagina has a low level of lactobacilli bacteria then it is not sufficiently acidic, which allows other bacteria to grow to cause the disease.

Although all women are faced with the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis, some behaviors may enhance the risk. The behaviors include; bathing using antiseptic liquids, having sex with a new partner, having sex with multiple partners, along with smoking, cleaning the vagina using medicated solution, using strong detergents to wash underwear, and applying vaginal deodorants.

Bacterial vaginosis is not fatal, nor it is a sexually transmitted disease. Doctors say that women may suffer from vaginal infection at least once in their lives. With proper hygiene and practice, women may prevent contracting this illness.